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CAM-MEASURE creates measurement programs to verify machining preciseness on a machining device. CAM-MEASURE combines measurement programs with cutting programs into a set of processes, and creates measurement programs and measurement positions data through the oridnary CAM operations. CAM-MEASURE supports ensuring a precise cutting process without requiring machined work pieces to be removed from a machining table.


 Function Summaries

Measurement Methods

CAM-MEASURE supports automatic measurement enabled by using measurement macros and manual measurement enabled by Handle operations.

  • Automatic Measurement
  • Call and use a measurement macro installed in a machine tool for creating a program that enables automatic measurement.
    Choose a specific axis direction for measurement from ± X, ± Y, and +Z.
    Choose a direction perpendicular for a surface as a measurement direction.
    Macro codes can be registered easily after calling.

  • Manual Measurement
  • Create a program that uses linear interpolation codes in order to enable movements to a point of measurement and measure through the use of Handle operations.
    This program automatically detects a measurement direction that is fixed at a specified axis and is the closest to a direction perpendicular to a surface where the measurement point exists.

Measurement Points

This module CAM-MEASURE specifies any arbitray point or CAD Element Point as a measurement point, and automatically projects it on product surfaces.
This module automatically rounds decimals of a number that indicates a measurement position to the nearest whole number if an axis is specified as a projection direction.
This module reduces a measurement duration to a minimum by re-arranging an order for a gauge head to move from a measurement point to another and also optimizing a height for the gauge head to move at among measurement points.


Measurement Positions Data

This solution prepares CSV format files composed of coordinate value of measurement point, center coordinate of gauge heads, vectors of direction perpendicular to a surface, and measurement directions. Import measurement results in order to verify machining errors in a machining process.



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